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Registration Information Home

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Registration Information

We are thrilled that you are registering your student with Northwest Allen Count School District! Our community is dedicated to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where every student can excel. We look forward to partnering with you to support your child's educational journey and are excited to welcome your family to our district.

Please use the drop-down menu below to select the category which best describes your registration need.

Questions? Call our Administration Center at 260-637-3155.

  • Let’s get started…

    1. Login to the PowerSchool Parent Portal (Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on April 28,2025)
    2. Click the Registration button on the lower left of the menu. This access is provided only to the parent account, not the student's account. 
    3. On the registration screens, verify the information currently on file and provide any updates.
      • If changes to the student's name or address are needed, bring the appropriate documentation to the school office during onsite registration (i.e. legal name change or proof of residency documentation). 
      • If you do not already have a parent portal account, create one using the access codes that were sent home with the end of year report cards or attend one of the onsite registration sessions for assistance.
      • If you have trouble creating the account using the codes, you may contact the school office or the Webmaster address at the bottom of the page, but we are generally not able to provide the codes to you via email or phone.
    4. Add funds to the lunch account for your child at onsite registration or with the Lunch Accounts Deposits link here or on the left.



    • April 28, 2025 - Registration for Current NACS Students opens for the 2025-26 school year.
    • Summer 2025 - On-site registration for the 2025-26 school year is available on the dates listed below:
      • Elementary: July 24, 12PM - 6PM
      • Secondary: July 24, 7AM - 7PM


  • Let’s get started…

    FIRST YOU NEED TO ENROLL (This is only for students who are NEW to NACS)

    1. Start the Enrollment Process by clicking one of the following…
    • Current School Year:

    • Next School Year:
      • Click the “Create Account” button to setup an account for this enrollment portal. (This is not the same as the PowerSchool portal for viewing grades or for fall registration details.)
      • Once your account is created, you can use the “Sign In" section to get back in to complete the enrollment or to enroll another child.
      • Be sure to choose the correct school year when completing this form to indicate if the child is enrolling to start yet this school year or for the fall.
      • You will be asked to upload the required documentation listed below or you can mail copies of those documents to the school separately.
    1. After completing the form, the school office will verify age and residency. You will be contacted with confirmation or for missing documentation.
    2. FOR HIGHSCHOOL ONLY - Contact the Guidance Office at 260-637-6913 to make an appointment with your child's guidance counselor to complete the enrollment process.
    3. Next, you will need to complete registration.

    • Enrollment Process Information
      • Complete the online enrollment prior to registration.
      • The child must be at least 5 years old by Aug. 1 of the year they will begin school.
      • The child must live within the NACS attendance area. Parents will be required to show proof of residency.
      • The following documentation is needed to enroll:
        • Child's birth certificate - Board of Health copy, not the hospital version.
        • Proof of residence as defined in the link, such as a gas/electric/water utility bill.
        • Child's immunization records - requirements and a form are linked here.
        • Health Information Form - linked here, complete and print.
        • If applicable, court documents for custody or visitation arrangements. A copy of any legal documents regarding custody or visitation pertaining to the child such as custody papers, divorce decree or other court-ordered papers must be provided. Please be assured that this information is kept confidential. The court documents you provide should be the most recent and final copy of any court decree.
        • Photograph of your child (head and shoulders) to help us identify him/her before school pictures are taken.
        • If you are unable to upload these files to the form, please complete the rest of the online form and then mail a copy of the above documents to the school. Please add "Attn: Kindergarten Enrollment" on the envelope.
      • Computers will be available at the school during onsite registration if the enrollment form has not been completed in advance of onsite registration. 


    1. Login to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and create your parent account.
    2. Click the Registration button on the lower left of the menu. This access is provided only to the parent account, not the student's account. 
    3. Fill out the requested information on the registration screens and upload any requested documents.
    4. Add funds to the lunch account for your child at onsite registration or with the Lunch Accounts Deposits link here or on the left.


    Is your student enrolling in Kindergarten? Click here to see visit our Kindergarten page.



    • February 24, 2025 - Kindergarten & NEW incoming student Registration opens for the 2025-26 school year.
    • March 18, 2025 - NACS Kindergarten Parent Workshop – 6 PM in the Aspen Meadow Elementary Gym – Door # 5.
    • April 15, 2025 - NACS Kindergarten Round-Up – 6 PM at your child's assigned elementary school .
    • Summer 2025 - On-site registration is available on the dates listed below:
      • Elementary: July 24, 12PM - 6PM
      • Secondary: July 24, 7AM - 7PM