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Welcome to Northwest Allen County Schools!

How we communicate:

We believe in open communication and collaboration between parents, students, and staff. Here, you'll find information to keep you connected and engaged in your child's education.

Staying Informed:

  • ParentSquare: Our primary platform for school announcements, classroom updates, and important district information. Be sure to sign up for your school's ParentSquare account and download the app from your app store to stay in the loop!
  • NACS Email: We also utilize NACS email for official school and district communications. Please ensure your contact information is up-to-date with your child's school.
  • Canvas: This learning management system is used by many of our teachers to share class materials, assignments, and grades.
  • NACS Social Media: Our district has accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIN where we share photos from classroom activites, celebrate student and staff achievements, and share important information.

Where can I find additional resources?

Parents - Getting Started | Video | Slide Deck | PDF  |  FAQs for Families | PDF


New in 2025! We have launched a district newsletter called NACS News.

This monthly newsletter is designed to keep our district community informed and engaged by providing updates on construction projects, district growth, and ongoing initiatives. 

Click here to download the latest edition.

A group of school board members stand together in a hallway, smiling for a photo. The text reads 'NACS News' and 'Northwest Allen County Schools.'     

A news article detailing construction projects for Northwest Allen County Schools, including a high school expansion, a new middle school, and renovations to an elementary school and administration center.

To view and download a PDF copy of NACS News, click the edition below.

Our Strategic Plan:

This plan will be a living document to help us achieve our vision of a strong community where all can belong, grow, connect, and lead. We will adjust as needed and provide updates as we progress through implementation to ensure our work continues to reflect the diverse needs of our students, families, staff, and community. This plan focuses are four areas:

Personalized Learning  Experiences
We believe that when students’ educational experiences are tailored to their individual needs and unique interests, they are set up for success in life after graduation.

Student And Staff Wellness
We believe that supporting the whole child is essential to a student’s growth and success in the classroom. When the physical, mental, and emotional health needs of students and staff are met, the learning environment is safer and more effective.

Trust And Transparency
We believe that intentional, clear, and consistent communication is essential to building trust amongst  our students, teachers, administrators, families, and community members.

Community And Belonging
We believe that every member of Northwest Allen County Schools is a valuable member of this community. Unique experiences and perspectives make us stronger, and by facilitating the process of building a sense of community belonging, we are creating a safe and effective learning environment.


A blue and yellow brochure with the title 'Strategic Plan' and the tagline 'Your future is our passion.' A photo of a smiling student in a classroom is featured.

white shirt with NACS written on it

Our Branding:

Our district's brands are valuable assets that represent our community and our commitment to excellence. To ensure the integrity and consistency of our brand, it's essential that all organizations and individuals adhere to our logo usage guidelines. 

If you would like to use our logo, please obtain written permission from the district office by contacting All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 

Please see our Logo Usage Guides below for more information. By following these guidelines, we can collectively maintain the strength and professionalism of our brand.

Get your NACS Gear!

Find NACS district branded items, customized to fit your style, on our NACS District Spirit Wear Store – open 24/7!

Want something with your school logo? Check the NACS Spirit Wear Store tab on our INFO Page.


Media & Public Record Requests

  • All media requests must be made through our district office. This includes interviews, request for statements, and on-site visits.

    Please contact

  • Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act (“APRA”), Indiana Code §5-14-3-1 et seq., provides the framework for requesting information from a governmental agency. Moreover, APRA states that, “it is the public policy of the state that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and employees.” (Indiana Code §5-14-3-1) However, some public records may not be disclosed under various circumstances, or may be disclosed at the discretion of the agency.

    To make a public records request, please email your request to or you may drop off the written request at our district office.

    Please note – this type of request is not for student academic records. Please contact your child’s school for this information.

Interested in events in our community? Check our our Community Activities Page for event and program flyers from organizations in Northwest Allen County.